1658 Island Highway
Victoria, BC V9B 1H8
Dealer #10234

Sales: 250-478-1128
Service: 250-590-5199
Toll-Free: 1-800-952-3356

Mon - Thu: 9:00am - 7:00pm
Fri - Sat: 9:00am - 6:00pm
Sun: Closed

best of westshore

Privacy Policy

Personal Information Protection Policy

As per the requirements of Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, Howie’s Car Corral Ltd. wishes to notify all our customers, prospects and or potential customers or prospects of our policy regarding the use of personal and business information collected and retained both in person and from our on-line website www.car-corral.com with regards to our customers.

All Howie’s Car Corral Ltd. staff members are required to sign an Employee Confidentiality Agreement. This ensures that any confidential information contained on file with regard to Howie’s Car Corral Ltd. customers or prospects including, but not limited to Howie’s Car Corral Ltd. to which firm belongs 1658 Island Highway, Victoria, BC, V9B 1H8. Tel 250-478-1128 and our website www.car-corral.com or our company email address (info*at*car-corral.com) and name of primary contact person within the company are treated as CONFIDENTIAL. These files are retained in our customer records, which are updated as customers or potential customers and or prospects and or potential prospects are added or deleted. Customer and or prospect information relative to both owners and employees is kept strictly confidential. Also be advised that Howie’s Car Corral Ltd. does not send any unsolicited email to any persons or person.

On Howie’s Car Corral Ltd. company website (www.car-corral.com) we offer for public viewing of our products and services, we also offer the optional choice of either emailing or telephoning personal information to us in order for us to conduct the necessary business to assist our customers and prospects in their efforts to obtain purchase credit or lease financing. This information is only forwarded to us with the consent and permission of our customers as explained on our website and by acknowledging that they have read our “Privacy Policy Statement online”. This information is sent to our business office or employees in strict confidence in order for us to complete our business transactions with our customers. Should any customer or prospect wish to view this information, please notify the employee you are engaged with to arrange a confidential meeting to discuss your information sent. Also be advised that any personal and or private information sent to us in order to complete the business transaction as necessary will be destroyed upon request.

Employees are instructed to shred any discarded or unnecessary copies of documents containing any personal information and/or credit card numbers, bank account information in order to protect customer/prospect personal privacy.

Should any Howie’s Car Corral Ltd. customer and or prospect wish to have his/her personal information removed or destroyed from our records or, have any concern or complaint regarding any private information sent to us, please notify our office as soon as possible by either mail to:

Howie’s Car Corral Ltd
Att: Privacy Officer, Mr. R.A.Mace, President
1658 Island Highway
Victoria, BC, V9B 1H8
Or by fax to 250-478-1879 or, by email to: info*at*car-corral.com